How to create a website with HTML | Basics of HTML | Middle school computer science

How to create a website with HTML | Basics of HTML | Middle school computer science All information comes from the book “Get Coding!” What is HTML? HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a programming language used to create websites. HTML can be used to used to add text and images and create sections and paragraphs for your page. A document is an HTML web page, which is made up of elements. Elements are made through small codes called tags. Codes HTML tags are made up with a piece of code surrounded by two angle brackets (< >). An opening tag would be < > while a closing tag would be </>. <p> stands for a paragraph tag. You can create a paragraph for your website like this: <p> This is not a paragraph, but a sentence written for an HTML. </p> Every code for an HTML must begin with <!DOCTYPE html>. This will tell the browser which version of HTML the page was coded in. The <html> tag tells the browser that...