Coding with Python ; Sixth grade computer science ; Homeschool

Coding with Python ; Sixth grade computer science ; Homeschool 

Its been almost 2 weeks since April has started. The weather is heating up and flowers are beginning to bloom. Spring has arrived and I am very pleased. This week for home schooling, computer science was the most interesting subject I took (after math, we were learning geometry) so I decided to write about what I learned. 
*Most of these information is from “coding for kids python” and “Everything you need to know about computer science and coding in one big fat notebook”.*


Python is an easy and most widely used programming language. It can be used for creating codes, making projects and designing websites. Python is written in an Integrated Development Environment Program (IDE for short), a program programmers can use to type and edit code and to create Python programs. The IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is the program that comes with python when you install it. The IDLE has two different windows: The shell window and the Editor Window. When you open python, the shell window will pop up. You will see “>>>” which shows where you are typing. To run a code on the shell window, you press the enter key on your keyboard. The output, is the result of the code you ran. Shell windows are great, but they aren’t the best option since you can’t save your. The editor window is for writing out whole programs that are saved as files. Like the shell window, you press enter on your keyboard to see the output.


Instructions must be written using a code. All codes must be written according to the rules of Python programming language. One of the most used line of code is the print() function. The parameter value is the text within the parentheses of a function. The print() function can do many things, like type in words/sentences (Hello, World) or solve simple math problems. 

An example of using the print function is: print(“My name is Mylk!”) 


Both shell and editor windows automatically change the color of your text to help you define the code. 
Purple is for built-in-functions like print()
Orange is for key words like “if” and “True”
Green is for all texts that appears in quotation marks. 
Blue is for output text from when the programs runs. 
Red is for error messages that appear when the program is not running properly
Black is for the rest of the text in the program. 

If you type print(“I’m cool!”the quotation marks will be green and the print will be purple. 


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