Tobay Beach; Robert Moses State Park; Fire Island; MylkTV
Tobay Beach:
I few days after December 2020 started, we decided to go to Tobay Beach. Located in Town of Oyster Bay, Tobay Beach is well... a small beach that looks like a bay. When we arrived, I was quite surprised on how small and empty the beach was. It was as if the beach had closed. But the experience was quite exciting, especially when I found out that there was a playground. It was completely isolated but very big with many slides and obstacles to parkour on. After a few minutes of exploring, we headed our way to the beach (bay). We passed a closed refreshment bar and put foot on sand. The sand was extremely stiff (which my dad liked because it didn’t make much mess) and was full with bird waste. I tried my best not to step on anything with my favorite sneakers as we walked toward the water. Wind started to push me sideways as I stood besides the shallow bay. The water looked a bit dirty, but gleamed as the sun shined against it. We looked around and saw a closed bar, and another small playground. I would say this was a fun, but also... empty trip.
A day after we found out that the beach used to be full of visitors from the town of oyster bay. Due to the pandemic however, no one really started coming (plus we went on a weekday) so we were able to enjoy the whole bay to ourselves for free.
Playground at Tobay Beach
Walking Toward the Ocean |
Moses Beach:
After weeks and weeks of cold weather, the weather was finally warm enough to go out for another beach trip. This times, we decided to go to Robert Moses State Park. We started to get ready as my mom reminded me to bundle up. When I asked why, she said that even during warm weathers, the beach will be always cold due to the wind. The first part of the drive was boring, just the plain highway with leafless trees. But as we got closer to the coast, the clear ocean view looked amazing. The road leading to Moses Beach seemed different than the roads we usually went to. I’ve never seen a country view while living in New York, but the sand and empty road with just a bright blue sky over it, made it seem like I was in some special road trip. After 30 minutes of driving (Which seemed like forever) we finally arrived at Robert Moses Beach. As dad parked the car, I stared at the Fire Island Lighthouse, as the light inside reflected in the sun and made it look shiny. The day was warm, but the strong wind blasted into my face, making it extremely cold. I was a bit shocked as we headed toward the sand. Unlike Jones Beach where you have to walk miles and miles to reach the ocean, here it was almost right in front of us. I gazed around as my mom snapped some pictures. There were waves everywhere, like EVERYWHERE. The ocean made waves with water as it crashed into shore and slowly went back. The heavy wind caused the sand to blow away in a wavy pattern. We were planning on to go to fire island as well, but we had a bit of a bathroom emergency so we rushed back home.
Robert Moses State Park; Fire Island History:
Robert Moses State Park was established in 1908, and is the oldest State Park in New York. Located in Suffolk County, Long Island, on the west of Fire Island. The park is named after Robert Moses who was the president of Long Island Start Park Commission. Fire Island is 50 kilometer long island and lies at south of Long Island. The Island was divided into 2 during hurricane sandy in 2012.
Moses Beach
Bridge Leading to Fire Island (Inlet Bridge)
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