Tobay Beach; Robert Moses State Park; Fire Island; MylkTV

Tobay Beach; Robert Moses State Park; Fire Island; MylkTV Tobay Beach: I few days after December 2020 started, we decided to go to Tobay Beach. Located in Town of Oyster Bay, Tobay Beach is well... a small beach that looks like a bay. When we arrived, I was quite surprised on how small and empty the beach was. It was as if the beach had closed. But the experience was quite exciting, especially when I found out that there was a playground. It was completely isolated but very big with many slides and obstacles to parkour on. After a few minutes of exploring, we headed our way to the beach (bay). We passed a closed refreshment bar and put foot on sand. The sand was extremely stiff (which my dad liked because it didn’t make much mess) and was full with bird waste. I tried my best not to step on anything with my favorite sneakers as we walked toward the water. Wind started to push me sideways as I stood besides the shallow bay. The water looked a bit dirty, but gleamed as the sun...