The Neolithic Era and civilization ; 6th grade history ; Home school

 The Neolithic Era and civilization ; 6th grade history ; Home school  

Before I get into the facts,  I need to infer something I never thought I would admit. Keeping a blog is VERY useful with all capital that is. A blog can help u look back of what you did in the past days, weeks or years. In fact, these recordings won’t be just for you, having a blog can inspire others as well. Anyways, today’s “lesson” will be about the Neolithic Era.

The Neolithic Era started at 8000 BCE and ended at 4000 BCE. The Great Migration was when many humans moved from Africa to different parts of the world. When the nomands (Nomands are people who travels with no permanent home) moved, they decided to have a sedentary life, meaning they stayed in one place. This is what the Neolithic Era is mostly known for. But this system influenced many other stuff too. 

One of the most important thing during the Neolithic Era was farming. You see, when humans were nomads, they didn’t have to farm because you can always travel to other places if the area runs out of supplies. But since everyone had a permanent home, it was harder to travel for food or any other supplies. So farmers were an important job of the community. People also started to tame animals such as cows, pigs, goats, sheep, dogs and even elephants were used for food, hunting and transportation. 

People started to work with different jobs like artisans. Artisans made crafts, pottery, tools, fabric and many more. Copper, bronze, and iron were used to make strong metal tools. One important object, the wheel, was made during that time. Many people started to barter, or trade. Like a farmer can exchange his carrots with an artisan for a shovel. 

The first government was very small and simple, since the villages were mostly small. Most villages were lead by chiefs for each tribes. Monarchs, or kings and queens, rules all the tribes in the village. Having a government made classes as well.  The kings and queens were the highest class. Followed by priests, then militaries, then merchants then farmers. Farmers (the people who started it all) were still in a low class. Slaves were the lowest and most poor treated people in the class. In fact, they weren’t even counted as people. They were part of someone’s property. 

Civilizations was started during the Neolithic Era as well. People began using the term of math, astronomy, laws, and writing. People used writings to record things that happened during that time (like what I do with my blog!) such as trading, laws, prayers, and family trees. Most of these all happened in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China and the Indus Valley (India). 

In conclusion the Neolithic Era was a very important time in our world history. If we didn’t have settlements and civilizations, we would still be walking around till this day.

Credits to: Everything you need to know to ace world history.


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