Old Westbury Gardens; Homeschool field trip


Old Westbury Gardens; Homeschool field trip

Looking out the window, all I saw was trees, trees, and more trees. Then I started to see parts of houses, peeking out between the green blur. Soon, I saw a tall black gate, with gold designs on the side. We finally arrived at Old Westbury Gardens.

This year, my parents decided to homeschool me. During the second week of home school, we went on a small “adventure” to Old Westbury Gardens. It didn’t take much long to drive there, and since we had a library card, the tickets were free. Long slim trees and the sights of fancy mansions of Old Westbury, was breathtaking to see.

When we arrived, the roads leading to the parking area seemed longer than the actual parking lot. We had an enjoyable time there as we longed to go inside the mansion (sadly, it was under construction). The day was cool and sunny. And due to Covid-19, not a lot of people were there, so it was a perfect day to take pictures.

What is Old Westbury?:

Old Westbury is a town in New York, and is one of the richest town on Long Island. Most average houses there is about 1 acres big. But there are many more estates that are bigger than 1 acre. And that is Old Westbury Gardens.  

What is Old Westbury gardens?:

Old Westbury Gardens is a enormous house with a mansion and a large garden area. The land was once owned by a rich business man named John Philips, who founded Old Westbury Garden in 1903. The 160 acres land has a lake, pool, a flower garden, and lots of grassy areas that was once used for horse riding. The three story mansion itself has 23 rooms. 

Is it a good time to go there during COVID?:

I would say a yes, even though its always good to be cautious, the garden makes sure everyone wears a face covering and social distance at all times.  (However, there were some people who broke the rules, and that made me quite annoyed)They even put one way signs, like they do for roads. But I do suggest to bring a spare mask if you're person like me (I accidentally dropped my mask on the floor while we were taking pictures.) 

When is a good day to go?:

I suggest a bright breezy day, so there is sunlight to take nice pictures, and to keep yourself cool. My other tip is to go on a weekday, so there is not a lot of people. 


Path to garden
Some flowers I saw


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