House tour (2020): [MylkTV Scripts] Kim Lego story:

 [MylkTV Scripts] Kim Lego story: House tour (2020)

[Outside of Kim's house]
Mylk: And... ACTION!
Claira: Hey guys! Its me Claira, and I'm here with my sisters! 
Celine: And today, we're going to do a house tour!
Christine: So, lets start here with the outside!
Claira: Outside, we have a swing! You guys might have seen in episode three! Me, May and Jay, were riding this!
(Flash back to episode 3)
Claira: Hold on! Christine, sense we outside, can I ride this? 
Christine: Ya, off course! Here, we have a mailbox!
Claira: Oh ya, and I forgot to tell, in the backyard, we have treehouse! 
(Flashback to episode 3)
Celine: That's pretty much it for the outside!
Claira: Ok, time for the inside! 

[Inside the first floor] 
Christine: In the first floor, we have a dining room, and a living room! Both places are shown in most of the episodes of Kim Lego Story. Celine likes doing doing taekwondo in the living room! 
(Flashback to episode 4) 
Claira: Christine, don't forget to tell them that mommy likes working in the dining room! 
(Flashback to Kim Lego food Story episode 1)
Christine: Next to the entrance, we have a piano and a kitchen. The piano might not seem familiar because it hasn't been shown in Kim Lego Story yet.
Claira: We also have a breakfast table. But we haven't shown that in Kim Lego Story yet. We also have lots of beautiful stoves! But the problem is, mommy doesn't like cooking, so we barely use any of them! In fact, sometimes daddy would cook dinner for us. 
Christine: You're right Claira. Mommy would rather work in the dinning area more than cook! 

[Second floor]
Christine: In the second floor, we have my room! This is the place where Claira made a big mess when she tried to get my trophy.
(Flashback to episode 6)
Christine: Over, there we have a door leading to the balcony. Next to the door, I have a bunk bed Samantha really wanted in episode 3 of Kim Lego story.
(Flashback to episode 3)
Christine: I also have a simple desk! 
Michelle: In the second floor, we have a family room. You guys might have seen this place in most of the episodes of Kim Lego Story. This is the place where Christine and Michael talked about Doodle for Google.
(Flashback to episode 4)
Michelle: This is also the place where Claira told me how much she wanted a trophy. 
(Flashback to episode 6)
Michelle: Here we have a couch, and a mini desk so I can work here when the dinning room is too busy. We also have a fireplace and a TV, and a sliding door leading to the balcony. After I'm done with my work, I sometimes come here and watch cooking shows. I really enjoy cooking, but I just don't have enough time! 

[Third floor]
Celine: Up here in the third floor, we have my room! My room is shown in many of the episodes of Kim Lego Story. Over here, we have a bed and a desk. I also have a shelf for my dolls. On this side of the room, I have a shelf for trophies and a door leading to the balcony. Did you guys see that my blanket has apeach in it? Apeach is my favorite kakao shop character! 
Claira: In the third floor, we also have a bathroom! This beautiful bathroom is shown in episode 5 and 6 of Kim Lego story! 
(Flashback to episode 5)
Claira: Here we have a sink and a toilet I like sitting on. There also this colorful carpet I like standing on while I practice my violin! 
(Flashback to episode 6)
Claira: Here, we have a bathtub and a shower! Daddy likes singing in the shower here, he always sings the star spangled banner. 

[Fourth floor]
Camille: In the fourth floor, we have my room! My room is shown in lots of the episodes of Kim Lego story. This is the place where mommy changes my nappy! Over here, I have a playpen. I also have my favorite toy monkey on my mobile. I also have a comfy crib.
Michael: Here, we have Michelle's and my room. This room is shown in the first episode of Kim Lego story season 1. 
(Flashback to episode 1)
Michael: Here, we have a door leading to the balcony and a bathroom. We haven't really shown the bathroom part in Kim Lego story yet. Then we have a door leading to the bedroom. Here, we have a closet! 

[Fifth floor]
Claira: Here in the fifth floor, we have my room! It hasn't been shown in Kim Lego story yet. Here, we have a desk! I also have a basket full of lots of pretty bows. Over there by the big window, I have a place for my stuffed animals. Next to my stuffed animals I cute little brushes for them! And there we have a bed!
Meow: And here, we have our room. It hasn't been shown in Kim Lego Story yet.
Woof: Our room has a bathtub, and a little storage area for our food.
Meow: And here is the place where we sleep together! 
Woof: Ya, you and me!

[Sixth floor]
Claira: Finally, in the sixth floor, we have a music room. You guys probably saw this place in most of the episodes of Kim Lego Story! Here, we have a piano, music stand and a camera so we can record ourselves play! I like practicing here. 
Celine: Next, we have a storage room. The storage room is shown in episode 7 of Kim Lego Story. 
(Flashback to episode 7)
Celine: We have lots of cameras here, can you guess how much we have?
Christine: Lastly, we have a balcony. This balcony hasn't been shown in Kim Lego story yet. Here, we have jars of paint and an easel. 

Claira: That's pretty much it for the house tour, we hope you enjoyed it! 


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