[Homeschool] Pros and Cons of homeschooling


[Homeschooling] Pros and Cons of homeschooling

Here, I have written a list of pros and cons of homeschooling. I have been working at home for about two weeks now, and I am enjoying it a lot. The first list will have what experts say about homeschooling. The second will have my opinion.

What experts say:


1.   Because individual learning is possible, you can more accurately determine how you have advanced and achieve over the year.

2.   1. It helps you improve communication skills

3.   2. You can learn self-directed learning methods

4.   3.You can learn the fun of studying and reading

5.  4. You can develop your confidence by improving your problem-solving skills.    


1.   1. Class content can be boring (not true)

2.   2. Expensive (You need to buy your own textbooks and work books and supplies. And if you hire a private tutor, it costs more)

3.   3. Can provide unsystematic education


What I would say about homeschool:


1.   Exciting field trips (Ex: I went to Old Westbury Gardens, and lots of trips to the park)

2.   Ahead learning (I’m in grade six this year, but I’ve already started geometry which you learn in grade 7-8)

3.   Lots more time with family 

4.   Less worry about getting sick

5.   Yummier lunch (Having homemade lobster pasta is way better than frozen pizza from the cafeteria)

6.   More privacy and time

7.   More social (Surprisingly I talk to my friends more at home by calling then I do at school)

8.   You feel more independent

9.   You can get proper exercise (For ex: I like using the treadmill and shooting hoops at our basement. I also get a lot of time to stretch, so my flexibility improved a lot. If I were to do gym at school, with my mask on, I wouldn’t get the most exercise I need.)

10.         A new skill can be found (I found out that I was good at writing)


1.   You might not be able to fit in some conversations with your friends. (Especially when they talk about school)

2.   It’s expensive (I agree with experts about that)

3.   You might get a feeling of falling behind


1.   Make a note-book that has all your daily to-do lists. This will help you keep organized.

2.   Record how your daily homeschool life was

3.   Stay positive and enjoy interesting experience


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