Plant and Animal cells; Grade 6 science: homeschool
Plant and Animal cells; Grade 6 science review During the third week of homeschool, I learned many fascinating facts with the help with science. I'm using two books for science this year. "Everything you need to know to ace science in one big fat notebook" and "180 days of science for sixth grade". I highly recommend these book/workbook if you are interested in doing more ahead learning. I've actually learned cells in fifth grade, but I understood it better this year while getting homeschooled. This week, the books focused on animal cells and plant cells. There are many similarities and differences between them. Here are some of the facts about plant and animal cells. Every living thing is made up of cells. The cell theory made by many scientists claimed that every organism started with one cell, but the cell divided and created even more cells. Plants and Animals are multicellular, which means they are made up of more than one cell. Animal cells are ci...