[MyLK TV Scripts] Trip to Korea (Kakao shop), Kim Lego Story (2020), Ep9

[Scripts] Trip to Korea (Kakao shop), Kim Lego Story (2020), Ep9

[In front of Grandmother’s house in Seoul]
Claira: So, when is the bus coming?
Christine: In about two minutes
Claira: And, how long is that?
Christine: About 120 seconds?
Claira: And, how long is 120 seconds?
Christine: Umm... just start from one, then count to 120.
Claira: Oo that’s interesting. Ok, one, two, three, four, five…
Sebastian: So, you went to a placed called Great Wolf Lodge?
Camille: You’re right Sebastian, we went to Great Wolf Lodge, and we had a party there.
Sarge-Sarge: Camille, did Meow and Woof go there too?
Camille: Hmmm I don’t remember, but the probably did go Sarge-Sarge.
Sebastian: Camille, when you go to America, can you tell Meow and Woof we said ‘Hi’?
Camille: Off course Sebastian, I will tell them as soon as I go home.
Sebastian: Yay, thanks Claria, you’re the best!
Claira: 119… oh I forgot. One, two, three four…
-Shuttle bus comes-
Grandma: Oh, the bus is already here. Call me as soon as you arrive in New York. (speaks in Korean)
Michelle: Yes, of course. Don’t worry!
Grandma: I love you so much (speaks in Korean)
Claire: We love you too!

-At Incheon International airport-
Claria: Yay, we finally here, Incheon International airport!
Celine: Claira, I think its time to get out of there.
Claira: But this to fun, it like ring around the rosé!
Celine: Ok, I’m in… this is actually fun!
Christine: Guys, this is the last call, come on!
Flight attendant: Hmmm, seems like you can upgrade your seat with your mileage.
Michael: Does that mean we can use first class?
Flight attendant: Yes, Mr. Kim
Michael: Hurray! Girls, guess what? We’re going to be riding first class!
Claira: But me the third child in the Kim’s Family. Me should be in third class.
Celine: Claira is right. I should be in second class. Christine should be the only one riding third class.
Claira: Celine, you can ride first class because you in first grade!
Celine: Oh yaaa!
-At security-
Claira: Ok guys, put your backpack on the table for security.  Is there any problems sir?
Michelle: Claira, what are you doing there, come on!
Claira: Mommy, I have serious work to do. I need to make sure everyone is ok!
Security: Oh, looks like you’re the boss in the family, great job!
Claira: Hurray!
-After passing security-
Claira: Wowww its so bright in here! And there so much places to go to! And there is a makeup shop, and a food shop, and a toy shop, wowww. -Gasps- Look! It’s a plane! It’s a plane! It’s a plane! I see a plane!
-In the lounge-
Claira: Wowww, this place is sooo amazing!
Michael: Michelle, I’m going to test out the shower. Can you take care of Camille?
Michelle: But, didn’t you take a shower before we came?
Michael: I know, but this is first class shower!
Claira: Mommy, are you allowed to take the food?
Michelle: Well, yes, it come with the lounge!
Claira: Wow, there lots of food here, like ice-cream, sushi, cookie bread, sandwiches and ramen! Of course, I’m going to take the ramen!
Michelle: Ok, but if you eat ramen here, you can’t eat it again at the plane!
Claira: Ok, no problem! Mmm my favorite Jin ramen, this going to be so delicious. Check this out, it’s so fresh! Ok, now that I ate, it’s time to exercise!  This going to be so much fun!
Christine: Celine, come on, it’s time to go to the plane!
Celine: Hey, that’s not fair, I only got to ride it once.
Claira: Well, I rode it three times! Alright guys, watch your step and go up to the plane.
Christine: Remember, you sit at third class!
Claira: And remember, please do not disturb other people. Mommy be careful!
Christine: Ugh, I hate turbulence.
Claira: What you mean? Turbulence is the best, it like a roller coaster!
Captain: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We will be soon arriving at JFK international airport. The current weather for NY is 40F. We hope you enjoyed your flight with Koreana airlines. Thank you.
-At home-
Claira: Finally, we home! Home is the best place in the world!
Christine: Ya, I agree with you Claira.
Celine: Aw, but I want to go back to Korea. I want to go to Kakao Shop!
Claira: Hey, I told you not to talk about that! Oh, how I miss Kakao shop….
Claira: Oh, how I miss the entrance with all the characters on front. It was so cute! And then when you turned, there were so much other stuff! Oh wow, I miss the cup and the bee set. I really wanted to get those… and those tiny dolls! They were so adorable! I also wanted the socks…
Celine: Well I liked the Santa Claus Ryans, they were so cute.
Christine: Well, you guys know what I liked.  I loved the plushies. They were so soft and snuggly, and I also missed the statue they had… wow, I miss it too.
Claira: Remember, when daddy really wanted to buy those pens, he said he needed them for his office!
Christine: I think he did buy it.
Claira: Oh, I wish my whole house was the Kakao shop.
Celina: Me too.
Christine: Me three!

Claira: Me want to go back! 


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