[MyLK TV Scripts] Great Wolf Lodge Niagara Falls, Kim Lego Story (2019), Ep8

[Scripts] Great Wolf Lodge and Niagara Falls Kim Lego Story (2019), Ep8 BY: MyLK TV

[In the living room]
Claira: Me so excited! Me so excited! Me can not wait to go to great wolf lodge!
Christine: Claira, I know you are excited, but can you please move?
Claira: Oh sorry. 
Michael: Well, everything is packed in the car. Now let’s go!
Everyone: Hurray!

[Outside in front of the car]
Michelle: Ok, I am going to be sitting in the front with daddy, so you girls take good care of Camille, ok?
Claira: Ok mommy! We big girls now so we take good care of Camille.

[At Niagara Falls]
Claira: Wow! Niagara Falls is so big! Come on, let’s go to Great Wolf Lodge!

[At Great Wolf Lodge]
Claira: Finally, we made it. Hurray!
[Inside Great Wolf Lodge]
Claira: Wow, look at the chimney! It ginormous! Woah, look at the ceiling, it’s so high! And the lights, they so beautiful. Woah what’s that? It a moose and pots! Woah! It’s a talking bear. And a talking moose. Hello Mr. Moose! Hello Mrs. Bear. Nice to meet you!

[In the hotel room]
Claira: Wow! This the biggest room in the world!
Celine: I know! Look at all the beds! This room has three beds!
Michael: Ok now where should I put this crib? It’s so heavy!
Michelle: Michael, I told you, we can ask the hotel for a crib.
Michael: I know, but Camille is very sensitive like me. She needs to sleep in her own crib.
Camille: Not really! I can only sleep with Meow! (Blabbering)
Claira: Christine, I was going to sleep there. Why you on that bed?
Christine: But Claira, the bed right next to this bed is much bigger. You can share with Celine.
Celine: Christine, can I have that bed? I use the bathroom often.
Christine: Ok, no problem. I will share with Claira.
Claira: But Celine, I thought you were an earth saver! Oh wait, you don’t need to flush!    Wow! The floor so slippery when we wear our socks! You guys should try it! Hello? Christine? What are you doing there? I already at the end!
Christine: Claira, I am in the middle of changing into my socks. It doesn’t work sliding with your shoes.
Celine: This is so fun! I think we need to ask mommy if we can change the floors at our house, to these kinds of floors!
Claira: Hello? Earth saver? You can’t say that! We need to reuse the floor here!
Michelle: Girls, aren’t you going to the water park?
Claira: Oh yea! Me totally forgot! We were having so much fun!
Celine: Come on Christine, let’s change to our swim suit!
Christine: Oh… um… ok… but I just put on my socks. I’ll have to take them off again.

[Inside the water park]
(People talking and water splashing)
Claira: Wow! This Great Wolf water park is just like the Great Wolf Lodge water park at Pocono mountains, Pennsylvania! So amazing!
Michael: Michelle, can you please take care of Camille? I want to ride the Wolf Tail.
Michelle: Ok enjoy! Michael, I am going to be here with Camille, so you can have fun with the girls ok?
Michael: Ok, now who wants to ride the exciting Wolf Tail?
Claira: Me! Me! Me want to ride the Wolf Tail!
Christine: Claira, I think you’re a little too such for the Wolf Tail. Dad, I think we are going to stay in the Kid’s Zone. You can go by yourself.
Michael: Thanks Christine. You know, I trust you. Don’t tell mommy.
Christine, Celine Claira: No problem!

[In the sitting area]
Michelle: Ah, this is so relaxing, right Camille?
Camille: Yes mommy. I really need to be relaxed. (Blabbering)

[In the kid’s zone]
Claira: Christine, let’s go on the big slide! Me big girl!
Christine: I know you are a big girl Claira, but maybe we should start with the little slide.
Claira: Ok, you’re the boss.
Christine: Ok, you girls go on line. I am going to be in front of the slide ok?
Claira: Mmm, ok.

(Celine goes down the slide)
Celine: That was fun! Claira should be coming down now.

(Someone else comes down)
Christine: Celine, that’s not Claira!
Celine: Don’t worry, she is gonna come out now.
(Someone else comes down)
Christine: You stay here, while I check the line. What? Claira where are you? This is an emergency! Claria is not on the line! I think we lost her! What are we gonna do?
Celine: I think we should go to daddy first.

[At the big slide]
Claira: Me love big slide! They much more fun than the little slides.
Claira: Wow! This one faster than the other one! That was so fun, I want to go again!

[In the middle of the water park]
Christine: Daddy! Daddy! We can’t find Claira!
Michael: Are you joking? It’s not April Fools yet.
Christine: No, I am serious.
Michael: You guys go to mommy, while I go to the customer service area
Christine and Celine: We will.

[At the sitting area]
Christine: Mom, don’t panic. I am sorry, but I think we lost Claira.
Michelle: Girls. Look behind me.
Claira: Hi guys! Where were you? The big slide was so fun! You guys want some juice? They so good!
Staff: Attention all Great Wolf Lodge guests. Claira Kim. Claira Kim. Please come to the customer service area. Claira Kim.
Claira: How they know my name? Wow, I must be very famous! Hurray!

[The next day in front of Great Wolf Lodge]
Michelle: Girls look at the camera. Say Cheese!



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