[MyLK TV Scripts] A Pet Talker, Kim Lego Story (2019), Ep7

(Ep 1: A new family member)
Michelle: Christine wake up come on, we have to go to the hospital right now.
Michelle: Did you get the diapers, and the bottle?
Claira: Yes, me get it.
Celine: Ugh I am so tired.
Christine: Celine, Im tired too.
Michael: Finally, I will be able to see Ken!
Michelle: Quick! In the car.

(Michelle, Michael, Christine, Celine, and Claira leaves the house)
Woof: I am so confused.
Meow: I know. Is the babys name Kaitlyn, Aurora, or Ken?
Woof: I dont think its going to be Ken.
Meow: Remember the time when Claira was born? If she was born as a girl, her name would King!
Woof: I know. Michael is terrible at making names.
Meow: How come my name is Meow? I am good at woofing! Woof! Woof!
Woof: Same with me. My name is Woof but I am good at meowing. Meow! Meow!

[At the hospital]
Claira: Oh look. Daddy. There comes mommy!
Michelle: Hey girls, meet Camille, your new baby sister.

[At home]
Michael: Rock a by baby, on the treetop. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. Oh, Camille is asleep. Camille its time to go to your new room.

[At Camilles bedroom]
Meow: Finally, we will able to see her!
Woof: She is so cute. I love her!
Meow: Hey Woof, youve been in there for a long time now, now can I go there?
Woof: Just one more minute and then I will get.
Camille: Ahhh!!!
Woof: Shh, shh Camille, dont worry. Welcome to your house!
Camille: What, where am I? It was dark, but now it is to bright.

[Downstairs in the living room]
Camille: Thanks for helping me get out of my room guys.
Meow: Your welcome! Even I didnt know that I had the strength to get you down!
Woof: From now on, we are going to be a family. So, if you have any questions or concerns, you can ask us!
Camille: Ok, I will u guys will be a big help!

(Ep 2: Run for class president)
Claira: Oooo slime! Nice slime!
Christine: Where did you get that slime?
Claira: From your bed room silly, it nice slime.
Christine: But that is my favorite kind of cloud slime! Sorry, me thought it was blue slime. Ugh Claira.

[In the family room]
Camille: Hmmm, Woof should be coming by now
Woof: Guys I got some news!
Camille: What is it?
Woof: right now, Claira is playing with Christines slime. Claira is good at taking other peoples item, so u should watch your precious stuff too.
Camille: Is that why my bottle of milk was empty last night?
Meow: Oh sorry, that was me.

(Ep 3: The grass is always greener on the other side)
Claira: Me hope people give us lots of money.
Celine: Me too.
Christine: Me three!
Claira: Oh, look, a person! Miss, buy this flower! It's beautiful! Celine: No, miss. Buy this beautiful basket I just got! Christine: No, no, get this book I've already read million times and it's awesome! Miss A: Sorry, girls. I was looking for buying a vacuum cleaner. Well, I guess this place doesn't have any. I will see you guys. Claira: Wait, wait, wait, miss. We have a vacuum cleaner in a house. Me go get it, me get it!

[In the dining room]
Meow: Right now, Claira is about earn a lot of money. She is about to sell our vacuum cleaner. If Claira earns a lot of money, she is going to get a lot of attention from mommy.
Camille: Its ok. Claira cant burp after she drinks milk like I do. *burps*
Woof: Yeah! Youre the best burper in the world!

[Back outside]
Claira: Me, bring it. Miss, that would be... hey, where did she go? Christine: I said she could leave. There is no way we are selling our vacuum cleaner. Claira: But, what would we make money? What about bumper car at basement. And what about? Christine: That's enough! We're not selling our vacuum cleaner. I am gonna put this vacuum away. I'm also gonna use the bathroom. So you guys keep an eye on my favorite book!
Celine: We will
Meow: She is coming in. She is coming in. Hide! Hide!
Camille: That was a close one!
Woof: I think its going to be best if you go back to your room Camille.
Camille: Good idea. I wanted to drink my milk anyways. After that, I am going to sleep.
Meow: Oooo, can I have some?

(Ep 5: How to save the Earth)
Michael: Oh, beautiful for specious skies with amber waves of grain Ah a nice refreshing shower!
Celine: Daddy, did u finish?

[Downstairs in Christines bedroom]
Camille: Whats happening now?
Meow: Right now, daddy is taking a shower, but the important part is, Celine is forcing him to stop! I think she is trying to save the Earth.
Camille: Whats an Earth? Something to eat?
Woof: I think its a new type of pet. I think I know why Celine is trying to save water. Earlier this morning, Celine stopped mommy from washing the dishes.
Meow: Then if Celine is trying to save water, does that mean we are going to get a pet fish, Earth must be a type of fish!
Camille: Meow, I think you saved Earth too. When was the last time you took a bath?

(Ep 6: Violin prodigy)
[In Christines bedroom]
Claira: Oppies!
Christine: Claira I just cleaned my room! Why did you do this?
Claira: Me sorry Christine. But me really wanted to touch that golden trophy.
Christine: Then if you want to touch a trophy, there are plenty on the floor.
Claira: But I want the biggest one!

[In the top floor of the kims family house]
(Claira playing a scale on the violin)
Camille: Why is she playing the violin? She never does such a thing like that!
Woof: Didnt you know? Claira got in trouble the other day for taking Christines trophy.
Meow: This is a trophy family. Everybody, except Claira has a trophy.
Camille: But I dont have a trophy either!

[In Camilles bedroom]
(Claira plays the violin to Camille)
Claira: Me soon gonna get a trophy. Thanks for listening!
Camille: What am I gonna do now?
Woof: Take a deep breath Camille.
Camille: Now I am going to be the only one with no trophy!
Woof: I told you. If you can say mommy, then you can get a trophy too!
Camille: But human language is harder than dogs and cat language. Human language is the hardest language in the world!

[Outside in front of the treehouse]
Woof: Camille hurry, you should say mommy!
Claira: Are you ready? One, two, tree!
(Claira plays the Bach double concerto for two violins)
Michael: Wow, Claira, that was amazing wow, well done!
Camille: Ma, Ma
Meow: Camille, come on you can do it!
Camille: Ma, ma, mommy. Mommy. (Blabbering) Yes, I did it. Now I can get a trophy too. Thank you Meow and Woof.


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