[Opinion] How to save the earth: 1) "Going Green", an essay by MyLK in third grade 2) a Youtube video 3) Earth Day Posters

How to save the earth

(1) "Going Green", an essay that I wrote in third grade 

Imagine the earth covered and filled with junk, garbage and flies. Nobody wants to live in such a terrible environment. It is important to protect our attractive environment and go green. What is Going Green? Going Green is protecting our planet and not polluting it. Going Green makes Earth a better place. There are many ways to go green like, using less energy, less items, and less water.

"Scan, scan." I am borrowing a book from the library. Using less products or items is an important part of Going Green. What is upcycling? Upcycling is turning old things into new ones that are useful Recycling is suing things over and over again. One way to use less products is to recycle. For example, you can bring a cloth bags to the supermarket and use it instead of a plastic bag. Another way to go green is to upcycle. Specifically, you can melt broken crayons, and ta-da, you have a brand new crayon. Lat but not least, you can reuse. In addition, if you have a broken doll, you can sew it and make it brand new. All in all, using less stuff is a very important part of Going Green.

Did you know preserving water can also be a part of Going Green? Using less water is an important part of Going Green. To start with, you can make less laundry. In addition, when you have a lot of laundry, you will need lots of water to clean it all, so you can keep your clothes clean as possible. Another way is to not fill your pool during hot days. Specifically, you could go to public pools or the beach instead of filling your pool. Last is to take shorter showers. For example, you can take navy showers. A navy shower is when you turn off the water while you use shampoo. Taking less baths can also help too. All in all, using less water is an important part of Going Green

"Ms. D. You forgot to turn off the smart board back at the class room" said Minyoung. "Oh, yes! thank you for reminding me, Mylk!" replied Ms. D. There are many ways to use less energy. One way is to watch less TV OR play less video games. For example, instead of suing technology you can play outside or read books. You and your family ran go green and save $200 each year. Another way to use less energy is to ride less vehicles. Specifically, you can walk or ride your bike to school or near places in your town or neighborhood. Car pooling, which is when you ride the same car to go somewhere is also a say to use less energy. Most importantly, you can use more blankets instead of heat. For instance, you will need a lot of energy to turn the heat on ,so soft furry blankets can warm you up. You can also drink warm tea, or hot cocoa. All in all, using less energy is an important part of Going Green.

Because we helped the earth by Going Green, the brown dry grass will turn to bright green grass. The ruined flowers will be brand new and caterpillars will be butterflies. Going Green is important, because it helps our environment and all living creatures. Using less stuff, conserving energy, and water are all important parts of Going Green. In conclusion, just by doing one of these things everyday, you are giving a big help to the earth. 

(2) "How to save the earth", a video that I made in fourth grade   

This is the video that I made on my Youtube channel: Kim Lego Story, "How to save the earth". You can see information on how to save the earth in the video.

(3) Posters for Earth Day that I idrew for past several years

3-1. A poster in order to save the earth that I (MyLK) drew in fourth grade 

3-2. A poster to encourage 3Rs that I drew in second grade 

3-3. A poster to promote recycling that I drew in first grade

Luckily, I won first prize on the poster. It was very honored that the recycling trucks in my town had my poster. 


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