[Behind the Story] How to make second episode, Run for class president: Kim Lego Story

1. How did you get the idea for the second episode?
This episode was created on a basis of my experiences to run for a student council at her school. Christine's speech was the same of my speech to become a student council, last year. She is now serving as a student council.  

2. How long did you take time to make the second episode? 
It took about two hours to record the video that includes making and changing the settings. My mom spent about another two hours to edit the files. In the first episode that has a running time of nine minutes and 58 seconds, there were only 27 files. On the other hand, 53 video files were used to make more active pictures in the second episode that has a running time of eight minutes and 35 seconds. I wanted to add some NG scenes to make a longer video. Thus, I put some bloopers after the second episode. 

3. What is the difference between making the first episode and the second episode? 
3.1. First episode (new family member) 

·         27 video files (9 minutes 58 seconds)
·         When the video was released, the name of channel was MyLK TV: kiki's world 
·         Three lights (stand lamps) were used. The episode was relatively darker compared to other animations at Youbute.  

·         One hour for recording the video.
·         It took more three hours to edit the video and to learn how to use the editing program. 
·         One hour to upload the video and to learn how to upload the file.
·         More than one hour to make the channel, the corn, and the watermark
·         More than one hour to change the channel names and the file names.
 3.2. Second episode (run for class president)
·          53 video files + 9 gag reels (9 minutes 29 seconds)
·         The name of channel wass changed as MyLK TV: Kim Lego Story, and put the year after the title of the episodes 
·          Four lamps including a new selfie ring light were used.
·          Two hours to record the video
·          Two hours to edit the video 
·          Thirty minutes to upload the video
4. What factors do you think prevent from making better videos?
The main issue seems to control the noises from me and settings. Another issue can be poor editing skills. Since my mom is working as a doctoral student, she will be able to spend much time in learning higher technical editing skills during summer break. I am also wondering about how I can increase the number of subscribers. However, at first, we'd better focus on making better videos.


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